Zach Harris- Pilot

Zach has always had a passion for old airplanes and learned to fly taildraggers while instructing, adding seaplane and glider ratings after that. He lives in California. and has been a pilot for Dream Flights for four years. He learned to fly in high school thanks to a generous scholarship, studied at SDSU, and continued flight training through college.
Started flight instructing after school, became Assistant Chief Instructor of a part 141 flight school, then made the jump to the regional airlines. He flew EMB-120’s and CRJs before getting the chance to join American Airlines and is now flying the A-320 series.
Q: What other volunteer activities are you involved with?
A: Giving back is important. I volunteered to teach firearm safety throughout high school, and later for the Gillespie Field Eagles as a volunteer flight instructor giving high school students primary flight training.
Q: How did you get involved with Dream Flights?
A: I met Darryl at a Stearman fly-in, we talked flying and Speedmails. He told me about Dream Flights and asked if I would be interested. I was immediately hooked.
Q: What keeps you continuing to volunteer?
A: I was always told growing up that we don’t do enough for our seniors or our veterans. Well, I’m helping to fix that.
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