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Dream Flight Squadron Leader

Every year, Dream Flights’ historic journey across the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave honors close to 800 senior veterans with free life-changing flights in restored, WWII-era open-cockpit biplanes. 

A Dream Flight is more than a free thank-you flight; it’s a magical, life-changing experience for veterans who fought for our freedom and way of life and now believe the best part of life is behind them. These men and women are America’s finest. 

Veterans like Eddie Lamken who had lost his zeal for life and had taken to a wheelchair. He seemed to have lost interest in anything around him, including family.  When his son Dave suggested a Dream Flight, Eddie remained uninterested and showed no excitement. When the day arrived and the flight was done, Dave could see Eddie was smiling ear-to-ear. With very little assistance Eddie climbed out of the cockpit, down the stepladder and, as he stood with his cane, he was so happy he started to cry.

Will you join our Journey to Honor America’s Heroes by making a monthly donation?

A monthly donation of just $15.00 promises magical, life-changing Dream Flight experiences for America’s senior veterans at ZERO EXPENSE to the veteran or their families. 

Click donate to sponsor a war hero and join the Dream Flights journey!

$7.00 per month

Journey to our 7,000th Dream Flight where we will honor a WWII veteran with a historic flight

$15.00 per month

Help our planes soar by helping to cover the cost of fuel for a Dream Flight mission.

$20.00 per month

Sponsor a war hero with the gift of a Dream Flight.

$40.00 per month

Help ensure the safety of our Dream Flyers by covering costs associated with routine plane maintenance.



My heartstrings are tied to Dream Flights’ mission. I’ve seen veterans after their Dream Flight, and you can’t describe what you see in their faces. It’s more than a smile; it’s their spirit leaping from within. My monthly recurring donations sponsor one Dream Flight a year. This is my way of giving back, and I know, firsthand, that my donation is supporting a good cause.

Melanie Hendrix

Recurring donor since 2013

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