Dream Flights To Date



4.) How do I apply for a flight?
If you live in a senior care facility, ask your Activity Director or Administrator to go to our website at www.dreamflights.org and apply for a day of Dream Flights for you and 7 of your best friends. If you don’t live in a senior care facility, you will need to apply for an individual living independently.
5.) Who’s a candidate for a Dream Flight? 
Our mission is to give back to those who have given and we love to honor veterans and senior citizens by providing a Dream Flight experience to thank them for their contributions to making our country what it is today. We work specifically with senior care facilities to streamline the process.
6.) What should I wear? 
Dream Flyers should wear comfortable clothes and shoes that have good grip on the bottom, no slippers or heels please. Even in the summer, plan to wear long light weight pants and a windbreaker type jacket.
7.) How long is the flight?
Each Dream Flight takes approximately half an hour from start to finish including loading and unloading and the pictures before and after. Flight time is generally 15-20 minutes.
8.) Is it windy?
You’ll be sitting behind a windshield, so you won’t be in the direct relative wind, but you’ll enjoy lots of fresh air.
9.) Can I fly twice?
Sadly no. While we would love to fly each person multiple years in a row, we need to be sure that everyone has an opportunity, so once per person is the hard and fast rule… until you reach 100 in which case we figure you’ve earned a flight every year we’re in town.
10.) Is there a weight limit? Is there a height limit?
We don’t have a specific weight limit, however, when seated the Dream Flyer needs to measure less than 22 inches across. There is no height limit.
11.) Does Dream Flights provide medical personnel or support staff to be with the residents on the day of flight?
We do not.  Facilities should plan to send support staff as well as medical staff when needed for the day of flying together. We provide the Stearman biplane, an awesome pilot and an amazing crew chief who are focused on our first priority which is safety.
12.) May I wear glasses or sunglasses?
Yes! We recommend wearing glasses, especially if you use prescription glasses or sunglasses. The provided flight helmet will help to keep them in place.
13.) Can I take a camera?
Yes, however you should know that you will be required to keep your hands and arms (and camera) inside the cockpit. Cameras that go outside of the cockpit into the relative wind of the propeller become aerodynamic rocks never to be seen again.
14.) Will the pilot be doing any loops or rolls?

Frequently Asked Questions

1.) Can I fly with portable oxygen units?
 Yes! Feel free to bring your portable oxygen unit and it can go with you in the plane.
2.) Do I need oxygen? 
 Not unless you need it on the ground. We will fly up to about 1,000 feet above the ground, and you don’t need supplemental oxygen at that height.
3.) What about my hearing aids? Will they fit under the flight helmet?
 Hearing aids are no problem and will fit under the flight helmet and built in headset that is provided. Please just let your pilot and crew chief know about them in advance so they can be extra careful when taking the helmet on and off.
3.) How do I get into the plane? 
 Over the course of 6,400+ flights, we’ve developed a system that supports the Dream Flyer through the loading and unloading. Our pilots and crew chiefs are trained to help through every step of the process. Here are some photos that show the way it happens.

Thank You To Our Amazing National Dream Flights Tour Partners!