Carl Geisert – Pilot

Carl grew up in an aviation family of airline & Navy pilots, his dad a dive bomber pilot at the end of WW2. His parents placed pillows beneath and behind him so he could reach the controls to fly the family airplane  when he was 12 years old. He has been a licensed pilot since he was 16,  has flown 18 different types of aircraft and currently owns the same Cessna 180 that he learned to fly in as a teenager.
Q: How did you get involved with Dream Flights
A: I was introduced to the Dream Flights organization by Mike Sommars, who I had met through the Cessna Skywagons flying club. Mike is a Dream Flights pilot, and after hearing him describe  the mission of working with veterans in the Stearman, I was hooked. I flew Dream Flight missions with Mike as his crew chief in 2019 & 2020 in towns all around Az and had a blast. (Except for the flight between Chandler Az and Sierra Vista, when we had to climb to 7500 feet and nearly froze..)
Q: What keeps you volunteering with Dream Flights
A: I love working with the veterans, hearing their incredible stories and seeing their faces light up with smiles after each flight. What a great way to honor these folks that have served their country.

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