Darryl Smith – Pilot

Darryl has flown several airplanes in the Air Force, but primarily the F-16 and the U2 reconnaissance spy plane. After leaving active duty, he became a commercial pilot with American Airlines and was a first officer on the 727 and 737, and is now a Captain on the A320 Airbus. 

How did you get involved with Dream Flights?

I met Darryl Fisher 2 years ago at the Reno air races. I was introduced by a fellow pilot Tim Dick. Instantly when I talked to Darryl, he really caught my attention and the way he described the mission of Dream Flights just really grabbed my heart.  

Q: What keeps you volunteering with Dream Flights?

A: The ability to talk to the Dream Flyers and connect with them and thank them for all they’ve done. This means the world to me.

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