Tim Newton – Pilot/Texas Regional Director

Tim, 57, has been flying for 37 years and volunteering with Dream Flights for six or seven. He also serves on the board.

During his 26 years in the Air Force, Tim logged 4,500 hours. He was an F-16 combat pilot/instructor who flew combat missions over Iraq and Bosnia. He also worked for two years at Northwest Airlines (DC-9). He’s been with FedEx for 15 years (B-727, MD-11 and B-777). Tim lives in San Antonio, Texas.

Q: What keeps you volunteering?

A: Seeing firsthand how important this is to so many peoples’ lives and how it truly changes their outlook on life. The best part of being a part of Dream Flights is hearing the stories told by the veterans.

Q: What’s it like to fly in a Stearman?

A: Flying in a Stearman is like driving in a convertible car at about 70 mph down the highway.

Q: Do you do aerobatics with Dream Flyers?

A: Very few ask to fly aerobatics. Although the plane is certified to do aerobatics, we don’t.

Q: What’s your advice to first-time flyers?

A: The number one concern is always, “How am I going to get into the plane?” You’ll be very surprised at how easy it really is to get in. We have perfected the process!

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